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earth overshoot day economie circulaire clement chenut

🌍 Today is earth overshoot day

🌍 Today is earth overshoot day meaning that we are consuming the equivalent of 1.75 planets to meet the humanity’s demand – a lot more resources than the Earth can actually regenerate in a given year.

I strongly believe that the circular economy is the best way to fit within our planetary boundaries by providing solutions that optimize the use of products and resources.

I am proud to have the responsibility to lead our circular economy services at Capgemini where we aim at shaping new industrial hashtag#valuechains that deliver long term value (via service-based business models, product design, reverse operations, new partnership models

Although the journey is still long, I remain optimistic that we will collectively achieve this transition in order to create a more hashtag#sustainable future for the generations to come

So let’s continue to close the loop to make the world go round !

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